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The Recharge Blog & Newsletter 6 Burnout Beliefs That Are Stealing More Than Your Energy

6 Burnout Beliefs That Are Stealing More Than Your Energy


After realizing that for years I'd been pushing through exhaustion, feeling overwhelmed, and convinced that if I just powered through the next task, "then" everything would be fine, I understood it was all a lie I'd been telling myself. This "then" belief was just a lie I kept believing.

Then never came, until I identified and confronted my BS.

And not just any old BS this was heavy BS.  I call it LBS (that stands for pounds as in weight in the US)  So "What exactly are you talking about Carole Jean?" you may be asking.

LBS stands for Limiting Belief System.  It's those heavy thoughts, opinions and ideas that we have agreed to and now believe and are running on autopilot guiding our every thought and action or inaction in life.  These LBS are massively limiting and weighing down our joy, our peace, our freedom and most importantly our energy.

They are super sneaky and you may not even recognize they are even there!  I sure didn't.  

However, when I did begin to see them and recognize the energy impact they were having on my life and how those sneaky LBS were costing me energy along with joy, peace, freedom and so many relationships including the ones with my kids, I knew I had to do something.  I had to, I wanted to because I wasn't living the life I knew was meant for me.  I knew there was something better even if I couldn't describe it yet.

Some examples of how LBS (Limiting Belief System) showed up in my daily life, and perhaps these LBS thoughts have shown up for you too.  You may find these weight shedding, personal power statements helpful.

Your LBS Heavy says: Don't just sit here being "lazy" and "unproductive" get up and do something useful.

Your Empowered, Inner Knowing says: Enjoy the moment of pause, it is a natural part of life and where you are recharged to then move with purpose and intention to those things that are aligned with you.

Your LBS Heavy says: Protect your limited energy.

Your Empowered, Inner Knowing says: Protect your purpose.

Your LBS Heavy says: They told you you’d be so much happier when you have more energy.

Your Empowered, Inner Knowing says: That’s just their LBS lying to them too.

Your LBS Heavy says: When I have more energy, I'll be more successful.

Your Empowered, Inner Knowing says: A false belief will always leave you far from your aligned goal.

Your LBS Heavy says: When I have more energy, then I’ll have inner peace.

Your Empowered, Inner Knowing says: If a belief costs you your inner peace, it’s too expensive.

Your turn, fill in the blank...

Your LBS Heavy says:

Your Empowered, Inner Knowing says:

The most powerful and truest of all...

Your LBS Heavy says: Your LBS Heavy says: WAIT, STOP, this doesn’t FEEL safe, you aren’t ready, you don’t have enough energy for this, you haven’t worked hard enough to make everything else perfect yet to earn this!!!!

Your Empowered, Inner Knowing says:  Your waiting, your stopping and your feeling unsafe, exhausted and like everything needs to first be perfect is over, this season is over for you the second you no longer accept it in your life!

Don’t wait until you have “enough” energy.

To feel safe enough.

To feel ready enough.

To have everything perfect.

To feel good inside.

To have inner peace.

To laugh. To enjoy and immerse yourself in the things you love. To fall in love.

To become a parent.

To change career paths.

To go to school or finish a certification.

To let go and forgive.

To look in the mirror, to touch your hand over your heart and feel the love and glorious light that is YOU.

To say I love you and truly feel it inside and believe it… to yourself and others. 

Above all, never wait until you have “enough energy” to know you already are enough just as you are to live your life in full abundance right now!

Hi, I'm Carole Jean Whittington. I'm a trailblazer in the wellness space, dedicated to guiding those who are experiencing burnout to be Energy Masters so that abundant energy is their daily norm. I am the author of, “Unleashing Sustainable Energy” and host of the popular podcast, Beyond Chronic Burnout.

As the Chief Energy Officer of Whittington Well-Being, my company stands out as one of the only companies providing a methodology focusing on chronic burnout for minds of all kinds, those with co-occurring health conditions and abilities backed by over three years of global burnout research where I investigated these overlooked areas of burnout. Maslach and many others never even factor in or consider how someone who has a health condition or a different neurotype experiences burnout. 

Most wellness assessments only look at three key areas for burnout, emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and personal accomplishment, however, at Whittington Well-Being we look at over eight different impact areas of burnout including: Sensory System, Sleep Patterns, Cognitive Load, Executive Function, Communication, and more. I am also a late identified Autistic ADHD human with co-occurring health conditions.If you, or someone on your team, is experiencing burnout the first step is to identify what level of burnout you are currently in right now.

Take the Spicy Pepper Burnout Level Quiz and discover your Pepper from a Level 1 Poblano Pepper to a Level 5 Ghost Pepper. The quiz will also tell you if you aren't in burnout.

#Burnout #BurnoutTips #BurnoutResources #Exhaustion #WhittingtonWellBeing #BeyondChronicBurnoutPodcast #WellBeing #Wellness #Heath #Healthcare


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I know what it’s like to feel alone and chronically exhausted on this journey.

No one seems to ‘get it’. Friends and family think you just need to push through or "self-care" more.  Internally, so many people in late identified life (me included) feel broken, ashamed or like they are failing or have never reached their full potential, when all along they've had a brain and sensory system that is different from the masses.  It can take a lot of strength to keep going.

(It was years before I realized I had been on The Chronic Cycle Burnout Loop)

Living Burnout, Shutdown and Meltdown FREE for going on 4 years now has taught me more than I ever dreamed possible and the most powerful experience in Restoration has been regaining skills and abilities I thought were lost permanently to Burnout decades ago.


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Don't miss out on this opportunity to take charge of your energy levels and transform your life.

Get your copy today and don't put off your Best Thriving Life one more second, it's already yours my friend, let's uncover it!





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