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Beyond Chronic Burnout Podcast

How to Get Out of Burnout for Neurodivergent or Disabled Humans! Tired of the same old self-care routines? Join us as we make nourishing your passions and dreams light and easy. Say goodbye to burnout for good—let's play, have fun, and master your energy together!

Welcome to "Beyond Chronic Burnout Podcast" and Whittington Well-Being.

Maslach's Burnout Inventory ONLY looks at 3 areas of burnout and that doesn't serve those of us who are also Autistic, ADHD, Dyslexic, disabled and who often have co-occurring health conditions- I look at EIGHT Burnout Impact Areas!!

Ready to get energized?

Your first step is to take my Spicy Pepper Burnout Level Quiz so you know where you are in your burnout right now and have your next step to Energy Mastery with a game plan using The UnVeiling Method.

Take the Quiz: 

Beyond Chronic Burnout is heard and downloaded in over 93 countries by over 550,000 listeners and watchers each week. Spotify ranks our show in the top 5% of podcasts in the Self-Help category in 2022. And on April 3, 2024 we hit over 80k downloads the prior week on Spotify!!!

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Access the Video Version


May Mental Health Month Series

Last Month...

April- Join my 3rd annual Shine A Light Autistic Advocate Campaign where I am sharing powerful conversations with Autistic Advocates and Allies who are making an impact as they share their burnout experiences each week of April on the show.

Our New Season kicked off January 9th with our special 9 day series to UP LEVEL YOUR ENERGY


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Meet your hostess with the most-est, Carole Jean Whittington, Chief Energy Officer at Whittington Well-Being:

Carole Jean Whittington is a trailblazer in the wellness space, dedicated to guiding those who are Autistic, ADHD, Dyslexic, Disabled or have Co-occurring health conditions and are experiencing burnout to be Energy Masters so that abundant energy is their daily norm.

She is the author of, “Unleashing Sustainable Energy” and host of the popular podcast, Beyond Chronic Burnout.  As the Chief Energy Officer and Lead Burnout Researcher at Whittington Well-Being, her company stands out as one of the only companies providing a methodology focusing on chronic burnout restoration for minds and bodies of all kinds.

With her vast expertise and over 3 years of global burnout research, Carole Jean hosts the popular weekly talk show, Beyond Chronic Burnout, where she engages in insightful discussions with influential figures and shares insights to help bring energy into your life in new ways. Her show reaches over 93 countries, with more than 550,000 avid listeners and watchers. In 2022, Spotify ranked Beyond Chronic Burnout in the top 5% of podcasts in the Self-Help category.

As an Energy Strategist and Burnout Researcher, Carole Jean employs her signature solution, The UnVeiling Method, to unleash innovation, deep connection and creativity in companies, teams, and for individuals to step into their Energy Mastery, dream and passions. Carole Jean is passionately driven to create a Thriving Neurodivergent and Disabled Community of Limitless Possibilities.

Want MORE of Carole Jean and discover other shows?

Check out featured guest spots here:

Want to have Carole Jean on your show as a guest to talk all things burnout and energy management?

Topics Available for Discussion: (These can also be tailored to meet your show needs, let's chat)

  • Ways burnout shows up that may surprise you and answer WHY “self care” isn’t working long term.

  • The levels of burnout based on Carole Jean’s Spicy Pepper Scale of Burnout and her 3 year Global Burnout Research data that categorize burnout based on internal warning signs and impact from a Level 1 Poblano Pepper where you have just a bit of heat up to the Ghost Pepper Level 5 when you’re “so hot, you’re not.”

  • The 3 biggest energy drainers contributing to chronic burnout for neurodivergent and disabled humans based on the 3+ year Spicy Global Research Study conducted by Carole Jean Whittington.

  • Energy Mastery is possible and most effective when two key areas are dialed in, 1. Knowing Your Personal Human Nourishment Keys and 2. Incorporating your Sensory Profile Blueprint with ALL 8 of your senses. (Your sensory system is hard wired into your nervous system and it along with sleep are greatly impacted during burnout)

  • You can’t have MORE ENERGY if you don’t have a relationship with your energy first.  The blocks and barriers that most often create chaos in our energy relationship and the elements of a healthy energy relationship so that burnout is a thing of the past for good.


Biography for Carole Jean Whittington

Carole Jean Whittington is a trailblazer in the wellness space, dedicated to guiding Neurodivergent and Disabled people who are experiencing burnout to be Energy Masters so that abundant energy is their daily norm. She is the author of, “Unleashing Sustainable Energy” and host of the popular podcast, Beyond Chronic Burnout. 

As the Chief Energy Officer and Lead Burnout Researcher of Whittington Well-Being, her company stands out as one of the only companies providing a methodology focusing on chronic burnout for minds and bodies of all kinds.  With her vast expertise, Carole Jean hosts the popular weekly talk show, Beyond Chronic Burnout, where she engages in insightful discussions with influential figures and shares insights to help bring energy into your life in new ways.

Her show reaches over 93 countries, with more than 550,000 avid listeners and watchers. In 2022, Spotify ranked Beyond Chronic Burnout in the top 5% of podcasts in the Self-Help category.  As an Energy Strategist, Carole Jean employs her signature solution, The UnVeiling Method, to unleash innovation, deep connection and creativity in companies, teams, and for individuals to step into their Energy Mastery. Carole Jean is passionately driven to Energize, Restore, Innovate and create a Thriving Community of Limitless Possibilities where burnout is history!

100 Words (If you need something shorter to use in your copy)

Carole Jean Whittington is a trailblazer in wellness, guiding Neurodivergent and Disabled individuals experiencing burnout to become Energy Masters. Author of "Unleashing Sustainable Energy" and host of "Beyond Chronic Burnout" podcast, she's Chief Energy Officer at Whittington Well-Being. With her show reaching 93 countries, Carole Jean shares insights to bring energy into daily life. As an Energy Strategist, she employs The UnVeiling Method to unleash innovation, deep connection, and creativity within organizations and for individuals. Passionate about energizing, restoring, and innovating, Carole Jean aims to create a thriving Neurodivergent and Disabled community of limitless possibilities.

Links to Website and Social Media for Carole Jean Whittington and Whittington Well-Being:

Whittington Well-Being Website: 

Beyond Chronic Burnout Podcast 


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Facebook Business Page: 

Ready to find out how spicy your burnout is right now and get the fun, and easy next steps to begin recharging your energy?  


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