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Reason #1: So that you will use The UnVeiling Method to live your best thriving life and will engage me and my team to help you more strategically apply what you learn in this book.
Reason #2: To get you Results in Advance so that taking action on Reason #1 is the next step in your journey.
I’m sweet and southern, but don’t let that fool you. I am also very direct in my communication with the intention and heart to help you solve a big problem, burnout. In this book I am going to give you what you need to begin burnout restoration with a strategic plan and not a bunch of fluff or empty “self care” tips and hacks.
First, I want you to get the full picture of where you are on the Spicy Pepper Burnout Scale. That way I can give you specific advice and guidance, through this book, based on your needs right now. You’ll be completing the Spicy Pepper Burnout Quiz along with the Spicy Pepper Dashboard for Restoration, Nourishment Key Assessment and Sensory Profile Blueprint that will help you know how to proceed based on my nine plus years of navigating out of burnout and my four plus years of thriving burnout, shutdown and meltdown free after spending almost forty years on the Chronic Cycle Burnout Loop.
After that, I will build a case around why knowing your needs and sensory profile are the fastest and most efficient way to get out of burnout and stay out. You will find that those sensory struggles and overwhelming exhaustion are rooted in a host of unidentified Nourishment Keys that are consistently malnourished and you may not even realize you have them. (There are 30 basic human needs)
We’ll take a look at the elements you can use to energize and restore all aspects of your life including career and relationships. And we will look at all the ways people make mistakes trying to “feel better” and the trap that so many fall into that leads back to chronic cycle burnout.
Next, I will share with you all the steps and elements included in The UnVeiling Method from foundation to rooftop. This is the method I personally use to help my clients go from Ghost Pepper Level 5, when you’re so hot you’re not, to the place of sustainable energy where every day stress and demands aren’t throwing you back into burnout. I am super excited to share it with you!
After that, we will spend a good chunk of our time together honing in on your restoration strategy to Energy Mastery. Each spicy pepper has a unique approach that best meets them where they are in energy along with honoring elements of trauma, co-occurring health conditions and PDA just to name a few. PDA stands for Pathological Demand Avoidance, I don’t love the term. Persistent Demand for Autonomy is so much better.
Finally, we will bring it back to the application level where we will examine the barriers that may be getting in the way of your restoration, the support required to get your Nourishment Keys more consistently energized and how to begin making this process work for you. I will even let you know a little bit about the way my team and I can help you in the restoration journey using the method illustrated in these pages.
Point #1: We are meant to thrive. Humans have been discovering ways to harness energy, vitality and well being for thousands of years.
Point #2: Energy is infinite. It is not created or destroyed. Energy is simply transferred.
Point #3: The best method for unleashing sustainable energy, discovering your Nourishment Keys and harmonizing your Sensory Profile Blueprint is in this very book (which just so happens to help hundreds of people each year begin restoration) . I call it The UnVeiling Method.
My heart, above all, is that you discover and learn more than just how to utilize The UnVeiling Method. I’ve shared my personal lived experience, over 3 years of global spicy burnout research, bits of loving advice and guidance based on a lifetime of almost fifty years navigating burnout as a late identified ADHD/Autistic with co-occurring health conditions having made a plethora of mistakes and living to tell the epic story. Yes, this is a self help book focusing on wellness, but it is really a book about the relationship we have with ourselves viewed through the lens of compassionate curiosity. A relationship that brings you authenticity, joy, autonomy, and sustainable energy.
My mission, passion and purpose in the world is to help create a thriving and empowered Neurodivergent community that is FULLY energized so that humanity is truly elevated to its highest and best. I believe that it is the creators, innovators, fighters of justice and deeply compassionate caregivers like you who will make this happen.
Helping wonderfully wired humans just like you to energize, restore and thrive is exactly what I do every day. It’s what I live for and why I bounce out of bed each and every morning.
Let’s energize and thrive TOGETHER,
Carole Jean Whittington
When Hyperlexic Publishing launched this book it broke accessibility barriers in global publishing and set records as the first book to be published with accessibility features including Open Dyslexic Font, Audio and Video with Closed Captions ALL FOR ONE PRICE. I am so very proud of this and will continue to be a champion and trailblazer in this area.
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