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Companion Book Bundle- The UnVeiling Method Tools and Framework

Assessments are useless without a framework to apply them to as you learned in Unleashing Sustainable Energy. 

In the Companion Bundle, you get:

  • The Spicy Dashboard including a step by step video with Carole Jean leading you through identifying your Burnout Experiences, Internal Warning Signs, and your Rest Signs so that you have the foundation to gauge your restoration with clarity.

All The UnVeiling Method assessments included in the book, Unleashing Sustainable Energy, PLUS...

    • Foundation Phase 1 of The UnVeiling Method:

           - Core Assessments (Needs & Sensory Profile Blueprint)

          -  Values Workbook (Unmask and identify what your values means to you)

           - Burnout Basics Workbook (Identify your Sign Posts and Burnout History)

           - Boundary Basics Workbook (Identify the 7 types and 3 styles of boundaries

              and how to begin using the one that will help you get your #1 Unmet need met

              more consistently)

           - Restoration Framework Level 1 where you bring it all together to create your

             first level of restoration with a plan and strategies that work for you.


Get the Phase 2 workbook taking you through the 4 elements to self care along with exercises to the key first steps in a way that works for ADHD Autistic humans not some spa day or unplugging from social media.


     - Signs of Rest Depletion

     - 7 Areas of Rest Assessment

     - Rest Needs Activity Worksheet

     - Reclaim your Thought Energy

BONUS #3: Create Your Thrive Destination Statement (TDS)

Build your unique best thriving life as the empowered leader with a destination and life you create that supports you best that is sustainable and fun.

     - Top 4 Mistakes to Avoid while in Burnout

     - Defining the TDS framework

     - Creating your TDS

     - Replay of the TDS workshop so you can work along and create your TDS with additional help and guidance

Over $3,000 worth of material, knowledge and life giving

resources to help you energize and thrive

in a way that works FOR you.

Take your First Steps to Burnout Restoration and begin building your UnVeiling Method Burnout Restoration Framework today with tools, guidance and the simple step by step. 

This is the exact material used in

The UnVeiing Method one on one coaching program

These materials are the same that my clients use and now they are yours to access in this self paced Companion Bundle to the book, Unleashing Sustainable Energy. 

You can always reach out and complete the application to the personalized program here if you'd like personalize help implementing these tools in your restoration journey: 

5 Modules

Begin with the Spicy Pepper Dashboard & Quiz

The Spicy Dashboard is your Blueprint to gauging your Restoration journey.

The UnVeiling Method Phase 1 Foundations-Companion Workbooks & Level 1 Framework

Get your foundations started with workbooks directly from The UnVeiling Method

BONUS: Phase 2 Self Care Plan from the INSIDE Out Basics

BONUS: Phase 3 Restoration

Discover the Signs of Rest Depletion in the 7 Forms of Rest Other Than Sleep.  Take the Rest Assessment to identify where you need rest and in which area right now with the tools and exercise provided including "Reclaim Your Thought Energy"

BONUS: Creating Your Thrive Destination Statement (TDS)

Without a destination to put in your GPS you can end up anywhere.  Your Thrive Destination Statement (TDS) is the destination to plug into your personal restoration map app to get where you want to go in life.

Modules for this product 5
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 Companion Book Bundle to Unleashing Sustainable Energy- The UnVeiling Method
 $ 37.00 USD

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