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July Newsletter 2022


July has always been the month that I find restoration and slow down. 

Not sure if it is because of the heat and my POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome), the realization that the year is half way over and I have done a good bit and need a break, that I have 6 months left to get things accomplished and need time to organize or just my natural slowing down and reflecting time. 

I am on vacation this month playing, relaxing, creating, organizing my closet, de-furring my dog who started shedding like mad this week and writing with my coaching partner Dr. Ali Arena on our VERY FIRST BOOK set to publish late this fall.

June was so full of amazing conversations with the MYAB community around our topic Sizzlin' Sexy Summer Series-Autistic Sex and the guests were so ready to join in and share that I have TWO BONUS episodes for you this month!

If you are worried you may have missed one of the episodes, workshops, special Live Q&As or my IG Live on Burnout and Sex, check out the Autistic Sex page where everything is all in ONE place to view.

One of the very cool things that Michael John Carley shared in our Live Q&A session was a resource called "36 Questions for closer connection"  Take a look at this amazing resource and try it out.  I would love to hear what you and your partner learned about one another or please share with me in the comments below how you will use this in the future.  I always love hearing from everyone in the community and learning more about what you think after you give something a try or when you decide how you want to use something going forward.  Share with me.

Over in Coaching Cafe Academy this month we are on Boundaries Part 2 and I wanted to share one of the resources from our Boundaries Element of the Neurodiverse Communication EcoSystem

Coming Up Next...

AUGUST- Autistics in the Workforce Series

In August we will be talking all things employment as an NDer from job seeking, promotions, lateral moves, company culture and discussing some of the biggest barriers we face to sustained and thriving employment as Neurodivergent adults.

I will be hosting live panel discussions with HR Recruiters who are Neuro-majority and NeuroDistinct so don't miss this one if you are looking for a job and want to know what really happens on the hiring side of the table.

Talk Show episodes will include conversations with leaders in the field of community building, NDers sharing their employment struggles and challenges, insights from an ND work coach who is also autistic and so much more.  

An Introduction to a new division of Mind Your Autistic Brain...

The NeuroDrive Team!!!  

Neurodrive helps modern teams integrate communication, accommodation, and culture to effectively bridge the neurodiversity gap so that productivity, innovation, wellbeing and revenue thrive throughout the organization without developing programs from the ground up.

The #ThisIsWhatAutismLooksLike -Autistics in the Workforce Campaign Video Series will air this month!

So if you submitted a photo or video be sure to check out the campaign series.  I will be adding in a tag where applicable on social media and in the credits so you won't miss it.

Stay Tuned for our 2nd Annual- Self Care for Autistics September Series

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Get your Copy of "Unleashing Sustainable Energy" Today!

I know what it’s like to feel alone and chronically exhausted on this journey.

No one seems to ‘get it’. Friends and family think you just need to push through or "self-care" more.  Internally, so many people in late identified life (me included) feel broken, ashamed or like they are failing or have never reached their full potential, when all along they've had a brain and sensory system that is different from the masses.  It can take a lot of strength to keep going.

(It was years before I realized I had been on The Chronic Cycle Burnout Loop)

Living Burnout, Shutdown and Meltdown FREE for going on 4 years now has taught me more than I ever dreamed possible and the most powerful experience in Restoration has been regaining skills and abilities I thought were lost permanently to Burnout decades ago.


Begin YOUR Burnout Restoration Journey TODAY.

Get ready to conquer burnout and embrace boundless energy! 

But that's not all - don't miss your one time SPECIAL BUNDLE offer and upgrade to include the Companion Workbook Collection and get the book for only $2.99!

Don't miss out on this opportunity to take charge of your energy levels and transform your life.

Get your copy today and don't put off your Best Thriving Life one more second, it's already yours my friend, let's uncover it!





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