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The Recharge Blog & Newsletter Megan Reimer Autistic Advocate Spotlight #ShineALight

Megan Reimer Autistic Advocate Spotlight #ShineALight


One of our newest autistic advocates, Megan Reimer, will be speaking at this year’s upcoming Au-Some Conference in Canada.  Megan is a late identified woman who is passionate about changing the conversation around what it means to be autistic and how identification makes a huge impact in a person’s life.  Megan, like many of us late identified adults, came to her autism awareness because of a big burnout.


Meet Megan…


Social Autie: What is your specialty or focus area of Autism Advocacy?


Megan:  My name is Megan Reimer (she/her) and I am The Autistic Lady. I was formally diagnosed as autistic on May 19, 2021. I launched my blog in March 2022 to share my experiences as a late-diagnosed autistic woman. I am slowly learning how to navigate this beautiful new community that I have discovered. However, I hope to eventually expand into coaching other neurodivergent adults as well as launching a podcast.


Social Autie: Why did you begin advocating for yourself and others?  What makes this personal to you and Your Big Why? 


Megan:  As a newer advocate, my specialty/focus area(s) are still developing. However, as of right now, my focus is on promoting awareness and acceptance of autism on the whole. Specifically, I seek to ensure that the world knows that being autistic IS NOT a disadvantage! Instead, I believe that education, acceptance, and accommodation are some of the keys to unlocking the autistic potential within our world.

As with many autistics that are late-diagnosed, I suffered for many years before I got my answers. For well over 15 years, I have struggled with both depression and anxiety. In addition, I have struggled to maintain employment and, at times, to keep a roof over my head as a result. By the time I read about autism in women, I was 30 years old, facing extreme autistic burnout, and seeking a way to end my suffering.

Despite this and despite every struggle that I have faced and continue to face, I overcome it. So, I made it my goal to share my experiences with others. To get my story out there and to keep telling it.   My belief? That if I didn’t know for this long about my autistic background, someone else out there doesn’t know either.

Separate from the above, I have always had a strong desire to help others. If I can help even one person by sharing my experiences, then I have fulfilled my life purpose.


Social Autie: What is/are the top tip(s) or insight(s) you have discovered for advocating for a) others and b) yourself?


Megan:  In my short time as an advocate, I have already discovered a few valuable insights/tips. The biggest of those is to be your authentic autistic self when you are sharing your information and experiences. This isn’t always easy to do, especially when the topic is sensitive to you. However, this is very necessary. If you can’t be yourself, then how can the world see you for the beautiful person that you truly are! Furthermore, the neurotypical community needs to see who we are. That we are simply human, just like them.

Being brutally honest is an autistic trait that I consider to be prized, but it can be a hard one to wield at times. Remember - what you are sharing will help someone else, even if they never directly say “thank-you.” Advocating is about sharing and giving while not expecting a “thank-you.” It can be difficult when you are sharing delicate topics, but when you accept that you are helping even one person, you can advocate about anything without any fear.

Finally, interact with the neurodivergent community. Again, not always an easy feat! Especially on the days that you are feeling extra drained! However, you will find many like-minded individuals like yourself. You will find allies that will help you to share your story.

Connect with Megan Reimer:

Instagram @TheAutisticLady


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